Fri. Mar 28th, 2025

Run away, as fast as you can. An essay by Yoana from Life without rules blog

The first meetings are like a job interview. You try to learn as much about the man as you can ,to see if you have a future with him. If you can listen and pay attention to the important details, you do not need any research questions. Just listen his favourite themes. If these are among them, you will be better without that man.

 His ex-girlfriend
Ex relationships in each case are misleading. If he does not stop analyzing his life at the date, it is an alert signal. It seems as if it’s anchored in his previous relationship. Are you sure you want to listen to him how does he complain about his ex, and you to turn into a shoulder ,on which he to cry?

Material girls
“The only goal of all women is to seduce a rich man and use his credit card”. If he does not stop repeating this – it’s not for you. This may indicate that he is greedy, and also you must constantly prove that you are not interested from “his wallet”.

His mother
To lovе your mother is wonderful, but there must be boundaries in demonstration, especially during the first date. May be for you will be difficult to build a relationship ,in which she does not interfere. Think about whether you want to have a relationship with a man for whom his mother’s word is on first place.

His muscles
Does he try too much to demonstrate that he is physically strong in front of you? He has telling you stories about how he’s hit someone? This does not mean, that he will be aggressive to you, but this behavior can still cause individual problems.

Physical beauty
A man who does not stop talking to you about what would be perfect woman, what must her shapes should be and how she should dress – it’s not for you. It’s better not to be with this guy because he’s trying to change you to fit his idea.

Of course we should try to accept the small deficiencies of the man beside us. Still no one is perfect. But these shortcomings are not small in importance. On the contrary! For this, if you come across a man with any of these features, you better run…far!

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