Mon. Mar 10th, 2025

What is the meaning of the word friend? Friendship means cooperation and support mutual understanding, respect, also help in cases of need. Friends are people who enjoy each other’s company.

Each of us who has a profile on the social network “Facebook” has a lot of friends. Yes, a fact, but how many of them are actually our friends? How many of them actually we know personally? The truth is that most of our friends on “Facebook” definitely are not our friends in the full sense of the word. Let’s not kid ourselves – most of them are colleagues, acquaintances, former classmates or just people you see every day and they are part of our daily lives. When I think of my friends in the full sense of the word, I can count them on the fingers of both hands.  In the early “Facebook” gathering friends, acquaintances, colleagues and relatives with a single purpose – communication. Most of us have friends and relatives outside their homeland ,about it we used the social network as a connection with them. But at the moment, “Facebook” definitely not perform this function. Currently, users of the most popular social network use it mainly to use her applications – games, fortune, status or just to gossip and discuss your friends. Let’s not kid ourselves – before we shoot us for a memory, but now we are shoot for “Facebook”. We do not upload and tagging photos,on which we did not look very well, because we know that one of our “friends” will “denigrate” us. “Facebook” has become a “gossip.”

In me lies a small hope that “Facebook” will return to its most important purpose – to help people to communicate and stay in touch with current. And let’s not forget that friends are not those that are listed in our social network, and those who are our support, love and respect.

Jo’s life without rules

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